We hope to achieve by 2030

Workshop speakers
Workshop participants

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We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about donations!
Telephone: +49 152 / 02758 939
Email: info@for-me.academy

My legacy for the youth of Europe

Can you imagine including FOR ME in your will to help build a better Europe beyond your lifetime? We will be happy to provide you with further information on how you can do this in a personal meeting. Please feel free to contact us at any time.

Donation transparency

FOR ME is sponsored by the TOBIAS Foundation gem. e. V. Following the establishment of this association on 11.10.2019, it was entered into the Cologne Register of Associations on 06.10.2020 under No. VR 20543. The association’s non-profit status was certified by the Cologne North Tax Office in a notice dated 20.01.2020.

As a registered non-profit organisation, the association is exempt from corporation and trade tax. Your donation is tax deductible (tax number 217/5963/1753, Tax Office Cologne North). For a donation of 50 euro or more, we will automatically send you a receipt at the beginning of the following year. Please give your address is you wish this.